How Renekton As To Vs Yasuo
Play passive lv 1/2, thats while yasuo can out-trade you. permit him push into your tower lv 2 if you need to, renekton would not have troubles farming underneath tower. after lv three you may out-exchange because you have three spells and he handiest has 2. you can eventually quarter him with your sustain and harm. build clever, ninja tabi is a good rush vs yasuo. Mercury threads, maw of malmortius and banshee's veil are excellent gadgets against him. also, most of the time, he's going to buy frozen coronary heart. in that case, perhaps a ravenous hydra would be an amazing item, in place of building assault speed. Yasuo relies on being capable of poke at the same time as staying safe with w after which all-inning with his last. renekton's great maintain and bonus hp from his ult both immediately counter this, at the same time as rendering yasuo's w a completely worthless spell in his package. Most effective reason renekton is a strong pick out against yasuo is due to t...